Dive Gear Care

Protect Your Dive Gear And Make Your It Last

Take care of your gear, and it will take care of you. Your scuba gear is life support equipment but it can be maintained in optimal working condition by following a simple program of equipment care as described in Abyss Diving Gear Care. Through the proper use and care of your gear, a typical scuba setup can last for many years. On the other hand, failing to take relatively simple steps in caring for your scuba gear can lead to early breakdown and the equipment becoming unsafe to use diving.

While most scuba gear is designed to be somewhat rugged for the conditions it will be subjected to; care should be taken to protect the more delicate pieces of gear such as regulators, computers and, masks. Storing these types of items in protective cases or bags, especially when going to or from the dive site, will help alleviate the chances of damage. Simple clips, retractors, bungees and various types of keepers are available and offer a quick fix. When transporting gear to and from the dive site, make sure to first load heavy items, like cylinders, with lighter and more fragile pieces of equipment on top.

All equipment should be maintained according to the manufacturer's instruction. Even more importantly, the gear must be treated in a generally careful manner, rinsing thoroughly after diving and storing your equipment in a way that both protects and does not subject it to unnecessary strain. While each of these steps is relatively straightforward and common sense, they’re essential to follow. 

Dive Gear Care & Maintenance

If you would like to know more, then do a PADI Equipment Speciality Course:

    Start Date Course Type Places Available  
09 Mar 2025 Equipment Specialty Course 8

Sun 09 Mar 2025
09:00 AM
08 hours 00 minutes

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