Don’t fear the “what if’s,” we’re here to debunk the myths.
If you don’t dive yet, some of what you “know” about diving might actually be wrong. A lot of these “myths” are perpetuated in the media and movies, and you might be surprised at what is right and what myths are “busted!” Which one of these myths have you been believing all along?
TRUTH: Like any active sport, diving is more enjoyable if you’re physically fit. And you do need some basic swimming skills in order to learn. But it’s nothing extreme; if you’re comfortable in the deep end of a pool, can swim, and you can walk for several minutes without getting winded, you can probably learn to dive.
TRUTH: You can become a certified diver in just two days, or you can take your time and learn at your own pace. Abyss Scuba Diving offer seven different options for PADI learn to dive courses, so there will be one that meets your needs. You’ll be diving in less time than you think!
TRUTH: Learning to dive is easy today. Professional diving instructors use all the learning materials and proven strategies to make it simple and fun to learn. Before you know it, you’ll be breathing underwater and using all the cool “toys” that make diving easier than ever before to learn and participate regularly.
TRUTH: We regularly hear about people diving, and learning to dive, well into their eighties. In fact, one of the most active “groups” of divers is in the age range from 38 to 53. On the whole, this group dives more regularly, travels more to dive, and even takes more classes than most other “groups.
TRUTH: Sydney offers diving unequalled by any large city. A recent study revealed that Sydney has more marine species than any other harbour in the world. Some 600 marine animals have already been identified and we can be sure that there are more to be found. One of the great attractions of diving around Sydney is its abundant sea life.
TRUTH: Most likely you were experiencing discomfort because you hadn’t been taught how to equalize the pressure in your inner ear with that of the surrounding water (a procedure similar to making your ears “pop” on an airliner). This is a very easy-to-learn technique that will be taught early on in your open-water scuba course.
TRUTH: Most divers actually consider a shark sighting to be a special and memorable occasion, since it is rare to see them. While such critters as sharks should be respected and treated as wild animals, the vast majority subsist on a diet of things considerably smaller than a scuba diver. In fact, most sharks are somewhat intimidated by divers; with our long fins and other equipment, we appear big to them … something they don’t want to mess with! Besides, it’s a myth that sharks are perpetually hungry or are always on the attack. It’s not uncommon at all for a shark to go two weeks without hunting, and in one documented case, a healthy shark did not eat for better than a year.
TRUTH: Many divers use gas-permeable contact lenses when they dive, allowing them to see quite normally. To prevent the accidental loss of contacts, (or for those who don’t normally use contact lenses), many divers use a mask with prescription lenses built right in. There are even high-quality dive masks available from your local professional dive retailer with corrective “readers” built-in for close-up viewing of tiny critters (or the settings on your digital underwater camera)!
TRUTH: When you put it up against other leisure activities, such as owning a quality mountain bike, golfing, boating, or skiing, diving compares very favorably. And the more you dive, the more true that becomes. Dive gear, for instance, is very durable and can last for years and years; after a short while, the cost of your gear can work out to just a few dollars per dive.
TRUTH: While it’s true that there are some medical issues that are incompatible with scuba diving, the list is shorter than you might think. Call us (020 9593 9662 for a set of guidelines that you can take to your family doctor so he or she can evaluate your fitness for diving. You might find out that what you’ve believed all along isn’t actually the case.
This Is Your First Step In Learning To Dive - 100% Free
Learning to dive is one of the most rewarding experiences of your lifetime. If you still have some unanswered questions then we are offering a FREE PADI Introductory Course. We have a very limited number of these courses that we are giving away.
Get started with an interactive online course (PADI eLearning) and learn scuba diving fundamentals from home at your own pace.