Abyss Scuba Diving

7 Reasons Why You Will Love Sidemount Diving

7 Reasons Why You Will Love Sidemount Diving

7 Reasons Why You Will Love Sidemount Diving. Sidemount diving is a variation of scuba diving whereby a diver carries all their scuba equipment on their body, as opposed to being supported by heavy and bulky equipment mounted on a scuba tank on their back. […]

Is Sidemount Diving Difficult?

 Is Sidemount Diving Difficult?

 Is Sidemount diving difficult? One of the primary questions we get from customers regarding Sidemount diving is, "Is Sidemount diving hard?" Well, the answer is both no and yes - it will take time for you to get familiar diving with a new configuration (just […]

Why Learn Technical Diving??

Why Learn Technical Diving??

Many people hear the term Technical Diving, and immediately think of heavy, cumbersome equipment and additional risk whilst scuba diving. This perception needs to change…. Traditionally, technical scuba diving has meant going beyond recreational scuba diving limits, and included one or more of the following: […]

The Benefits For A Divemaster Having Technical Training

The Benefits For A Divemaster Having Technical Training

The Benefits of a Divemaster Having Technical Training So, why become a Technical Diver, and how will this benefit me as a Divemaster?? Before we can answer this question, we need first to understand what it means to be a Technical Diver… Technical Diving is […]